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Investigative Audit Services

Investigative auditing is an exceptional subject matter in auditing, managing the counteraction and measurement of misrepresentation, misappropriation, and fumble of monetary and operational activity.

Investigative auditing utilizes a variety of techniques to test presumed errors in tasks or the presence of financial irregularities, theft or illicit employment of assets or other organization assets.

The functions of the investigative auditor including looking at the association’s financial procedures, leading a review in regards exposure to fraud and embezzlement, verifying and deciding if it is a misstep or genuine misrepresentation, analyzing how the misrepresentation was done, evaluating the harm caused to the association because of the extortion, analyzing authoritative procedures so as to prevent future mistakes or misrepresentation when control mechanisms are implemented, and submitting assessments dependent on the discoveries of the investigation.

Investigative auditing is suitable for business elements, local authorities and other government and municipal agencies and frequently establishes the reason for police examination and legitimate procedures.

Our firm provides investigative auditing services, including:

• Assessment of financial and operational procedures in the association

• Presentation studies with respect to misappropriation and extortion

• Giving master opinions with respect to theft and misrepresentation

• Executing control and authorization instruments

• The readiness of financial investigations

• Performing exceptional tests for the validity of information systems and information security

• Organizing audit tests to inspect the working of inner control frameworks and recognizing any gaps