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ESIC Return Services in Thane, Mumbai

What is ESIC Return?

ESI Registrationed businesses must be filed ESI returns monthly basis.

ESIC i.e., Employees’ State Insurance Corporation is established under the ESI Act, 1948.

ESIC (Employees’ State Insurance Corporation) provides benefits to employees in the event of their sickness, death, disablement, injury, etc.

The finance of this scheme comes from contributions from both employees and employers. Any employee who earns a monthly income of less than Rs. 21000 per month is covered under this scheme.

Apart from employees, the family members of employees are also provided benefits under this Act.

Any establishment that employs 10 or more employees is mandated by law to Registration under this Act.


ESIC Return
ESIC Return

What role do the Chartered Accountants play in ESIC return Filing?

Bashmakh & Co with the panel of our Tax experts provides professional services in regards to ESIC Return Filing process . We also provide services in regards to ESIC Registration Process

Further we will look into the Document Preparation and will collect necessary documents and information for the preparation of ESI return.

In addition to above Return Preparation, we will also prepare your returns as per your documents and information provided by you Once on Approval, we will promptly send you prepared return for your approval

As we have understood from above that for the purpose of ESI Return filing, post receiving approval from your side, our team of experts will file your ESI return on timely basis.


Employer registered with ESIC can filed ESIC return on online portal www.esic.nic.in. by doing payment of monthly contribution.
ESIC is mandatory once a company or any other entity employs 10 or more low-earning employees.
According to the Act, any employee earning less than Rs. 21,000 and Rs. 25,000 in the case of a person with disability per month is covered and needs to contribute 1.75% of his/her pay towards the ESI, while 4.75% will be contributed towards his/her ESI by the company.