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What is the Difference Between CA and Accountant?

What is the Difference Between CA and Accountant?

From Strength to Strength: What Is the Difference Between CA and Accountant? What is the Difference Between CA and Accountant?: When it comes to money and numbers, there are two paths you can take: becoming a Chartered Accountant (CA) or an accountant. These roles might sound similar, but they have important differences. It’s important to […]

How To Open a Company in India

How To Open a Company in India

How To Open a Company in India: Are you thinking about starting a business in India? It’s an exciting adventure, but there are some things you need to know. From rules and paperwork to making smart choices, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur with a cool […]

RERA Consultant

RERA Consultant

RERA Consultant: Your Experts for Smooth Real Estate Deals Hey there, let’s talk about something important when it comes to buying or selling property – RERA Consultants. It might sound fancy, but it’s like having a super-smart friend who knows all about real estate rules. Imagine having someone by your side who can help you […]

Tax Audit Limit for AY 2023-24

Tax Audit Limit for AY 2023-24

Tax Audit Limit for AY 2023-24 As we enter the new tax season of 2023-24, it’s important to know about something called the Tax Audit Limit for AY 2023-24. This limit plays a big role in how taxes are managed, and understanding it can help individuals and businesses avoid problems with taxes. In this blog […]

How to Find a Good CA

How to Find a Good CA

How to Find a Good CA Welcome to Bashmakh & Co, your trusted partner in navigating the complex world of finance and taxation. As a seasoned Chartered Accountant, I am dedicated to providing you with expert guidance and tailored solutions to meet your financial needs. With a strong foundation of knowledge, a commitment to integrity, […]

Why Should You Hire a Tax Consultant

Why Should You Hire a Tax Consultant

Why Should You Hire a Tax Consultant? Experience Financial Freedom with Bashamakh.co Why Should You Hire a Tax Consultant: Effective tax management is an essential aspect of financial success for individuals and businesses alike. However, navigating the complex landscape of tax laws and regulations can be a daunting task, leading to potential errors and missed […]

Income Tax 15g Form

Income Tax 15g Form

Income Tax 15G Form: Your Key to Tax Relief and Savings! Income tax is a crucial aspect of every individual’s financial planning, and understanding various tax-saving provisions can help taxpayers legally minimize their tax liabilities. For non-salaried individuals, especially those with lower incomes, the Income Tax 15G form plays a vital role in seeking exemption […]

Income Tax Act Section 195

Income Tax Act Section 195

Income Tax Act Section 195 Income Tax Act Section 195: In this blog post, we will delve into the depths of “Income Tax Act Section 195” to understand its key elements, compliance requirements, and the impact it has on businesses and individuals engaged in international dealings. Let’s explore how this provision ensures proper tax collection, […]

Income Tax 44ad

Income Tax 44ad

Income Tax 44AD Unleashed: Unlocking Simplicity and Success for Entrepreneurs! Income Tax 44ad: As a small business owner, navigating the complexities of income tax can be challenging. However, the Indian government has introduced several simplified tax provisions to ease the burden on small businesses. One such provision is Income Tax 44AD, a beneficial scheme that […]

Income Tax 87a

Income Tax 87a

Income Tax 87A Revealed: Unraveling Tax Benefits for You! Income Tax 87a: Income tax can often be a complex and daunting subject, but it’s a crucial aspect of every working individual’s financial responsibilities. However, the Indian government has implemented various provisions to ease the tax burden on lower-income taxpayers. One such provision is Income Tax […]